Sunday, July 6, 2008


I just woke up with those 1am sweats. Needed to pee Too(just to overshare), It also crossed my mind that I'm fortunate I don't piss all over my floor sometimes. Maybe that is better phrased, I'm suprised I don't.

A big glass of water will sort all this out... Maybe I'll shower, Maybe I'll open my door and let some of that cool decadent air conditioning into my room... Seems like a hot night.

--My God, it's hot. Stepped out of the shower and started sweating again. Is it still burning? Jesus, it's bigger. What is it? --It's the Seawater Inn. My family used to eat dinner there twenty-five years ago. Now somebody's touched it to clear the lot. --It's a shame. --My history is burning up out there.
you're not too smart are you? i like that in a man.

If you havn't seen that movie, You have to see it. It alows you to realize why William Hurt and Kathlene Turner didn't spend their lives Fliping Burgers.
Have I ever let you all in on my theory that Air conditioning is part of the reason for the obesity epidemic, Nobody would allow themselves to get into the 300 pound range if there wasn't air conditioning.... Either that or they would just die.

Just to let you all in on how stupid my sister is, She didn't have air conditioning for a few years. I asked her how she did that? she had this huge ritual, to lock in cool air in the morning. Then it all creshendoed with "Then if I don't move around all day, it's fine"

There is a great Nova about the "First Flower", Super interesting. It never occured to me how important the way flowers reproduce was to the way our entire ecosystem developed.

I'm dying to know what I posted last night...... If I read it, I'll probably take it down... and that wouldn't be any fun now would it...

Hmmm How about that shower.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Elias was a Crusader

And if the Machine Breaks down, we break down, and I ain't going to allow that.

Me, drunky Drunk Drunk... but I'm home, and in bed, ready to pass out. I've rehydrate, taken my vitamins... it's 8pm...

I figure in my drunken stupor, it's probably time for me to throw my "A" blog game down.

I imagine some of the new Folks ask:
"why the affection for "the mop", that blog seems distracted and scattered... I just don't get it"

Well... I'd like to imagine Game on: here we are, Middle of growing season, mid cycling season... It's time to throw down.

"I'd like to hear about it Pot Heads, you boys take this shit to escape from reality, I AM REALITY"

Sometimes... I hope that nobody thinks I talk about my ideal life... I suffer... They say "I only teach "Suffering, and the Elevation of suffering". I sit, every day.... Work 8-16 hours a day... with maybe 2-4 hours of decompression, Repeat.... I mentioned today, that I hate Financial advisers, Social Scientists, Myopic Jesus worshipers(sorry... love to the Jesus worshipers, sorry you don't get Evolution.(in your nomenclature," to those who more is blessed more is expected, and to those who less is blessed, less expected".... So... Love to all of you, Please I understand... it's a Mad mad world)... And I totally get it... so really... One Love.

"we walk a narrow path between divinity and trickery"

For the past year I'd like to think that I've achieve some clarity, with a sort of emphasis for 'finding my bliss' and Accepting the reality which is, there for all to experience, and few to see.... I like to convince myself that I have of an ability to glimpses "Reality" and Peer through the illusion which Haunts us all.... As you read this, and think "well I'm plenty caught up in reality. this Mother is a nut job"...
Just as a Mental exercise.. one can consider that the more concrete one be lives their reality is, the more dis-connected one probably is from Reality. The only constant in the universe is change, A concrete universe is only The most subject to the Greatest shattering of all it's illusions.....

"you all loved elias, all want to kick ass... well here I am all bye my lonesome, ain't nobody going say nothing."

"death, what do you all know about death!"

And As I reflect on this post, It reminds me of Icarus... and a warning to not fly too close to the sun........

and I am Humbled...... I know nothing. And remember .... the enemy is always "within ourselves"


EWT for MYGN...
this is in a third wave. There are no indicators of a wave 4 yet. I could sugjest that wave 3 could end at say 60 then wave 4 correct... I would sugjest that it has another 6 dollars in it then maybe wave 4 correct.... that is 10%

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!