Friday, November 30, 2007

My Athiesum thing..

So, It does look like both

Skull and bones,

And the Masonic order.

Are based in Deism.

and that basically it's being Agnostic, only absolutely believing in god..

so, you believe in god, but all the bible, and other religion crap you don't believe in.

BUT, you also believe that religion is needed to control the masses.All Seeing Eye

There for you front for "God", but deep down your trying to maintain the Aristocracy. The enlightened ones, all seeing, elevated above the rest.

Some say that deep down some of them are actually atheists, and materialists.

Sorry, I'm just looking at these people... I'm a straight up atheist, but I'm not a materialist. I have a huge spiritual side.... But some fat white guy?

That is classic Anthropomorphism.

I made it through

National I have nothing better to do than blog month???

was that the name?


National blog every day month.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Notes from someone elses life

(I've pelted this with dilbert cartoons to add to the hilarity)

*Big Office Meeting, at a science Research lab*

Big Wig " Ladies and gentleman, I'm going to need you all to turn out your pockets and empty the contents onto the table!."

*much shuffling, and the sounds of tons of keys hitting the table*

Big Wig, "Now we have found this note, and we suspect something amiss.... anyone involved needs to fess up immediately.."

Jimmy Zit Face " Sir, it was me that ate the last piece of Tiffanies Birthday Cake, that was left in the refrigerator.... It was really late, I was tired and trying to get all my samples done.. I just ate it.... I'm really sorry Tiffany, I'll take you out to lunch *sob sob* "

Big Wig, "Nope, this is by far more serious..... ladies and gentleman we found this note, and I'm going to pass it around *note shuffling*..... What it says, and I have a picture here on the overhead."

*overhead fan comes to life with a huge whirrr of a fan*

"I would have done a PowerPoint but I got a virus this morning when I opened up a picture of Anna Kornacova on my computer this morning.... But I digress....The note says "Youth medium in blue for faith."... Now we have combed our files for any Youth Medium... or Blue Medium projects, and can't find any... Management suspects that some of you have been working on a project privately to create a "Blue or youth Medium." for growing Cultures. As you all know this is a violation of your contracts, and any Revolutionary "Medium" development projects, belong to this company and we will rightly sue you for the patent.... we are going to need any materials about this project turned over immediately, and anyone involved is going to have to subjected to Immediate disciplinary action............. ANYONE????? NOW IS THE TIME TO COME CLEAN!!"

Author of note, "Umn Sir... that was an order for her Cousin, for a blouse for my daughter."

Big Wig, "er.... Umn... er....Ah.... Alright, carry on! Move along, nothing to see here.

More on sprint

The sprint stuff was mentioned because I paid my bill today....

now I have 4 phone calls from them, one on my home phone, saying that the payment didn't go through..... Now!!! I have a credit card statement and their web site saying that I have paid.

I'm psyched to get a phone call tomorrow....

Think I can get a free month out of them?

We shal see.

hehehe... I just checked, and you still can't get my plan.... I sort of .... well, I did a sneaky to get it, they had an offer that they hid from people, and they still don't offer as cheep a plan or and many minutes... that is funny.

i get 500 minutes free nights and weekends starting at 7 unlimited internet.... all for $30.

I just checked I used 4minutes last month.

I present this with caution, if you think about it, it's scary... but I just think people need to be care full with there money, not run up massive credit debt.

If you have a bad credit card 20%, for every 5 thousand you borrow, you pay $1000 per year for free to them.

I have a friend who purchased a house 4 years ago, and walked away selling the house, with enough money to pay her credit card bills off... but...see... if you generated 30K in equity, borrowing 5K a year, That is 1K the first year, 2K the second year, 3K the third and 4K the fourth. that is 10K in interest and ate up half the equity she was generating, the rest went to pay for what she had spent.

I Don't want to scare anyone, because humans are resilient... America is hyper-competative.. and it's not good to be a worrier.

Cell Phones

My Cell Phone is on sprint...

Yes, sprint sucks. The Data connection is great... so that makes up for the fact that phone calls on it suck.

My problem, Cell phone wise is that I hate the phone, with some minor exceptions you won't catch me on the phone; I'm sorry I have no interest in having long drawn out conversations with you. No, I just don't have the time to sit and chat. I use 20 minutes or 10 minutes a month. Some times I use more, like about every 6 months I get in a long conversation with someone, than won't end.

I got a great deal on a plan, it's hard to find free weekends and nights for under $50, which is what I want, free time plus a few hundred minutes... I think I got 500 or 600 minutes and am paying under $30. for a phone I don't really use.

So, Sprint... After I had the phone for a while and 5 people had the phone number. I started getting random calls, the second time I received one, I answered it. It was sprint..... and this is how stupid they think I am.

"Sir, if you sit down and spend 30 minutes answering some questions, we can offer you 30 minutes of free air time."

I hung up immediately....

Why? well to start off I will give them credit, it was during my free minutes so they were offering me free minutes.... But.... if I work for an hour for $10, I can pay for 200 minutes, and not 30. Second problem is that I have no desire to spend 30 minutes on the weekend or in the evening, talking to sprint....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It's been interesting this month, trying to blog every day. There have been good days and bad days, and I've managed to keep up with my other blogs, and do something to this one. Sure, it's been rough, and some of the posts were better not written.

I was sitting thinking about how I should go to bed, but wanting some decompression.... I should call myself the decompression king.... Better put, "my underwear are so Tight!". I was thinking about how I should talk up the guitar, or smoking crack or something. It occurred to me that I should honestly Bang out some words to this blog......

and where is it going.....

I'm starting to wonder if this Train of thought has run off the tracks.... I keep hoping for a good documentary, I hate commercials....

So... I'm a little unsettled... I'm not a conspiracy person... But I have some new interesting ideas about social control, and different ideologies.....

Through all this intense time looking at the economy, and the forces that act on it... I do start suspecting that there is a war on the middle class by the upper class..... Mind blowing is that with a strong middle class our economy is stronger, and the wealthy get wealthier, no one spends like the lower middle class, as they purchase ATV's, TV's, Cars. Much beyond their means... But they spend every dollar they have.
and to run a business, or finance it... builds more wealth than for businesses that can't sell their goods.


What to post today...

I wrote an email to my ex.... and she hasn't returned the message....

I stayed up too late last night 10pm, and paid for it this morning... I'm tired again.....

I could use beer.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


As a kid, an early High school kid, I wanted to be rich, there for I felt you had to know about business, and took every business class offered in High school... But I took them as a freshman and sophomore. and then had to broaden my horizons after that. And it was getting boring we always covered the same things.

So, overall it was relegated to the back of my brain, as a sort of engineer that knew way to much about business. Which is a great combination, only when dealing with business men/woman, and they try and offer their 2 cents, and your about 50 cents further ahead.

"Well, this printers are cheep for $100 we can get one for every-ones desk. As opposed to 2 for $2000"

"yes, and that is an ink jet, instead of laser jets. The cost per copy is .01 as oppose to .10 which means instead of $1000 per year on ink, you will spend $10,000. And it doesn't even go to the Money put into servicing them."

But...... I Digress

I love Economics, how the Micro work into the Macro. and how you can use statistics to create models, and yet all off it comes down to "On the one hand you have X, on the other hand you have Y. Will X be greater than the influence of Y? I don't know.

And then the flow of money into and out of markets, how the markets function, and how each ant plays it's roll and overall the whole ant hill gets built.... or bees and beehives.

I certainly have reservations about the way I'm spending my time, Morally, ethically.

But in a way, I start feeling less like a pawn in the system, used and sacrificed for the larger pieces, or one of the more useful pieces on the board. To being a more self determined, unit.

I always just wanted to be a benefit to the world around me, but then I've felt like I'm more of a Sucker that the more elite, take advantage of my good nature, to further advance their means. Though I fell like I'm "Helping" or being a benefit. It's the Elite, who have mastered taking advantage of my good will, and instead of it helping less fortunate, it ends up helping the "more fortunate"... Which actually is Counter to my efforts,

Exhausted but...

seems like a good day. I'm super exhausted. Long long weeks.

For those of you who don't know, I've been trading the stock market for a while, then suddenly I realized I needed to be much more aggressive, and less passive. What sucks is how stressful it is, and how much time it takes. What is wild is how good I am at it. Honestly I hate it as a way to make money, but.... it seems to work.

It's about discipline, and math and psychology... i just tend to trust what I think, and it tends to work out.... I find it crazy and narcissistic to think that I know what is about to happen... or at least have some idea... it seems like a surreal dream some times.

I'm always referring to it as a shell game and musical chairs. Which it is, and I find it stupid that these lame pieces of paper are worth anything, but they are, and markets in the economy do serve a purpose...

I spend hours going over stock charts, and reading old news papers, to evaluate what has happened in the past, and what could happen.

I worry about the dollar collapse.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I don't want to go to bed.

It just means I have to wake up and watch that stupid market...

what would be interesting is if it crashed!!!!!!

it's early for this kind of X-mas Bile


I made it on a post market run... which was good, I was proud.

but The run sucked, lack of sleep fatigue, done did me in.

I'm now addicted to these puzzles

Click to Mix and Solve
If you can find the video link on this page,

This short piece talks about what the problem is in the Financial industry..

Then we will get derivative problems. 600 Trillion in them.

this is has been reported as the largest housing problem since the great depression.


What a nerd I am, I had my callender marked for the testing of the Large Hadron Collider, which I schedualed over a year ago, and was supposd to be tested today. Now I looked into it and they are saying 2008..... BASTARDS.... I was hoping it would ignight armegeddon in some kind of Quatum Colaps.... Guess I HAVE TO WAIT TILL 2008..

You know if it gave me health insurance and I could work in europe, regular hours. I'd take a job sweeping floors for the Collider... I'd get to participate in Q&A though.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's here...

So, I have managed 4 moronic arguments with people.

1. I delivered some photo's to my mother of some of my nieces, and my brother thought they weren't good enough.

2. My sister Had very specific thoughts about how I should have delivered, said pictures...

Could Christmas please be over soon, it's just this bullshit that makes me think that religion, holidays, and commercialism, are the most evil things in the world.

As sweet children, Whine and beg, at the top of their lungs for all the Do dads and Who Haws in the world, And Guarantee the Who's don't actually sing, when they don't get their roast beast, and Who Horns.

Christmas is about Greed. I have nothing to do with any of it. The reason I'll get new bile this year, because I give up 3 $10 dvds, and get to not give out hundreds of dollars in other shit, to my Sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews. I get to avoid the shopping, and the bills, and all that great stuff, that Jesus says I should do, to help the U.S. Economy.

Not buying the latest gadgets at Xmas, makes the baby Jesus cry!Burnout

So, I was doing a search for images "baby Jesus cry"....

And if I were doing Xmas... this is what everyone would get.

The Emmy-winning scientist angered a few audience members when he criticized literal interpretation of the biblical verse Genesis 1:16, which reads: “God made two great lights — the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.”He pointed out that the sun, the “greater light,” is but one of countless stars and that the “lesser light” is the moon, which really is not a light at all, rather a reflector of light.A number of audience members left the room at that point, visibly angered by what some perceived as irreverence.

Ishmael: Okay, you want to bowl for some big money, eh? But I'll lose my entire bonus check because I'm so *bombed*.

McKnight Bowl Bartender: You get that way from ginger ale?

Roy: Nah, he was sniffing glue in the parking lot.

Morning support run

I did a small run for Dr. Pistachio this morning, just to show some metiphisical support for her...

ok, I just wanted to do a little run, trying to get back to the wolvereen.

Laundry today.... other crap like that....

Honestly, My metabolisum is on fire, and I'm jacked up on coffee.

I'm ready to rip the Ears off a bear.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Athiest Journey

Not that I'm not already an atheist, Wierd to type that, I'd say I'm an Atheist with a Desire to be Agnostic. Of course that is my Romantic Nature, so my rational mind tells me Atheism is the magic.
As a Preface, I'm going to try and tag these posts about atheism as such, so I wouldn't be offended if you don't read... Whoever you are, I have no intention of convincing anyone, But I felt like it would be interesting to share my Journey with the blog. As I explore Atheism.

If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to Then He is not omnipotent.

If He is able, but not willing Then He is malevolent.

If He is both able and willing Then whence cometh evil?

If He is neither able nor willing Then why call Him God?"
- Epicurus.

My original deviation from God, came when a Sunday school teacher said "There were no Evolution."
At the age of 8, I asked "Well then why are there dinosaurs."
The response was, "There are no dinosaurs."

I thought that was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard, I'd seen the Fossils, and stared with fascination at them... My favorite was the Triceratops.

Well.... Work in progress. top lists of Xmas Consumerisum.

1. Nintendo Wii Console
2. Microsoft Zune 30GB Media Player - Brown
3. TomTom ONE 3rd Edition GPS
4. Activision Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock Bundle
5. Canon PowerShot SD1000 Silver Digital Camera
6. Microsoft Office 2004 Student and Teacher
7. Western Digital My Book Essential Edition External 500GB Hard Drive
8. Magellan Maestro 3100 GPS
9. Canon PowerShot SD750 Digital Camera
10. Canon EOS Regel XTi Black SLR Digital Camera

Top-Selling Product Categories on Black Friday
2007 Top Product Categories 2006 Top Product Categories
1. Plasma & LCD TVs 1. Digital Cameras
2. Digital Cameras 2. Plasma & LCD TVs
3. GPS Navigation Systems 3. MP3 Players
4. Toys 4. Toys
5. MP3 Players 5. Laptops
6. Laptops 6. Women's Handbags
7. Wii 7. GPS Navigation Systems
8. Shoes 8. Fine Jewelry & Watches
9. Women's Handbags 9. Living Room Furniture
10. Computer Flash Memory 10. Xbox 360

Suprising to me? the importance of woman's handbags.

The segnificance? woman wish you would buy them a handbag... Cause it ain't men doing the searching.

I wonder if you can search by popularity? then buy the little woman the most popular in your price range.
I have seen some impressive blogging out there, nothing like thanksgiving to give some people time to type out a few thoughts.

Mad Cabbie is on a tear for the past month after some medical issue, probably that He picked up in Ethiopia.

I successfully cyberstalked an Ex, seemed like a good weekend to catch up on my cyberstalking.... Like I said, fits of nostalgia.

I believe my soda can is filled.

Or at least not running on empty, as the analogy goes.

I still check on Becky Broeder from time to time, Super adventures in that woman's life.

I made it out for a run, sort of a 70% walrus run(I'm to hard on myself... but it is a little funny). It also was an actual run. I certainly stopped a couple times but only out of fear of overexerting my legs/knees.

Wow BYU is up 3-0... (today is the big BYU-Utah, rivalry game.)

But, I'm feeling Rested, and rejuvenated. I may throw in some meditation, jazz listening tonight.

Also, I miss eating healthy, and by this I just mean eating unbelievable amounts of fruit and vegetables, soup, and Tea. It's not like I'm eating fast food, I just eat a lot of sandwiches, and some nachos... other stuff.
"do you still think about her.?"

"I used to think about her every day,
Then every other,
once a week
now about twice a year I get a kick in the chest."

That is a brief dialgue from "Screamers".

Thanksgiving is a good weekend to be nostalgic.

As I sit, bored, jacked up on as much espresso, as it is wise to be..... Resting.

Xmas shopping

I went out looking for some stuff yesterday morning, not because I wanted something, but because I've never seen the Black Friday Orgy of comercialisum, first hand.

Though I did refuse to wait in any lines, maybe I'll save that for next Thanksgiving.

My generic hatred of this Holiday, and comercial horseshit, is still in tact.....but, as a shopping experience... I've never had a more plesant one, if you get past the mobs of doorbuster shoppers. honestly it's a nice quiet, peacfull experience, and even the salesman are to tired to bother you.

Of course I did get one "You better get it before it's gone."
"I have no doubt, I can live without it." I responded.

then one flirty little sales girl. "You should change your phone carier."
"if I did, it would cost me a hundred or so bucks.... and I'll save what? 5 bucks a month?"
I honestly looked her deep in the eyes and said. "No thank you, I'm good."
Then she argued.
I replied "Thank you so much, But Don't argue with me."
and she slinked away with her tail between her legs.

I'm so in this anti-capitalisum funk, anti mainstream funk

Friday, November 23, 2007

almost bed time

it's been a long day, and I'm bored, to bored to even play video games. I should read.

I keep being tempted to read buisness news... and I'm trying to pretend I'm on vacation.

Locked in a vacancy

Oh... Fun Tom Leverett has posted some curiosities he as about blogging.

1. do you find that blogging tends to make you frame your life experiences in the same way that carrying a camera tends to make you frame the things you see- it makes you look at everything, and say, i wonder if i could blog about that?

When I was blogging aggressively, I remember actually moving through trains of thought, and lining them up in my mind, and re-affirming them in my memory, with the idea that it would be interesting to post to the blog. And much time in my day was spent(30 minutes) was consumed with thoughts about "blogging it". Then an hour or 2 were spent typing it out.
Now, it was much better Hobby or Recreation/ Way to pass the time than watching T.V.

2. do you engineer your posts in any way to attract more audience? if so, how? do you include words that will attract search engines? do you write posts about hot, frequently-searched public persona?

No, it was only interesting when one would make a pop culture reference, and people would, show up to read it. But the interesting part was how they had gotten to you, and how disconnected that was.... Case in point, I get many hits because I mention bowel movements, and apparently its a searched topic on the Internet, and I get some of those hits..... I do wonder if they are looking for "Secrets to effective bowel movements" or just have a fetish. but since they just search "bowel movements" I'll never know.

Further more, I do know that from my experience, the audience significantly makes the blog. I will blog differently depending on who I either know or suspect is reading. And gear the posts in that direction.... Interesting is my first blog I felt as though no one read, and just posted like I was writing a journal. then it startled me when someone actually posted a comment.

3. do you check who has come to visit you? do you notice what words they used to search and find you? do you notice how long they actually spent on your site? do you take the words they used, and use them again, or keep using them?

I answered this and the previous question like they were the same question roughly.

4. you know how important pictures are when you open up a site. do you choose your pictures in order to hold visitors, or do you just put in there whatever you can? do you look for free pictures, take them yourself, or shamelessly steal them from Google images like everyone else?

Of course I steal them, and information should be free, and pictures assuming I'm not using them for profit. I put pictures in to help people who are more visual, be aided in reading my blog. and it's interesting to Google image search random words and phrases, that are thematic with my post.

5. do you feel bad about bumping people from your blogroll? how important is a template to you when you visit blogs? do you really admire people who list thousands of blogs over there, or would you rather see someone who just has maybe ten or twelve best friends and relatives?

I'm to lazy to bump people from blog rolls, but when destructive processes happen, I just don't add them again.... and if they don't comment, or read your blog, why should they be on your blog roll.

6. do you really visit all those blogs you list under "daily reads" or "blogs i visit?" do you read them? this seems like a herculean task. how much time can a person invest in being in the citizen's media, a regular?

I have a RSS feed reader, and it makes this process very efficient. I have a list of the blogs I read, then the News sources I read, and the subsections of those news sources that I read.
Throughout the day, I read all the new posts of the blogs I frequent, followed by skimming through all the financial business news, followed by major general news stories, then politics, then cycling. As my day ends I take some time to catch up on a brief summary of the K-Fed, or Bradjalina, or whatever mindless entertainment news there is. I have so much news flowing in, I have to prioritize it based on the amount of available time I have.

All of this is after I wake up drink 2 quarts of water, make coffee, have breakfast, and read my local paper.(fortunately I usually have already read over half the paper the day before, since most local papers are just AP newswire stories anyways.)

7. has blogging changed your writing? your perspective? your alliances? your likes/dislikes? your politics? how has it affected the way you see things?

It does give me a chance to write and collect my thoughts during the day, it's almost a zen like process, blogging... ok, more a precursor to meditation... The interesting thing is that it does lead to some amount of accountability, in what I write. My bullshit has been called numerous times, and rightly so.

So I sit here thinking, I should do something fun, and yet. I don't actually want to do anything. I also think about how I don't want to run, and yet do.

so, I decide to do some blog reading... Wholly shit there are a ton of Utah bike blogs....

you go away for a year, and WTF happens, Blogs come out of the woodwork....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Interesting stuff-athiesum and secrets

I have this documentary on atheism "Jonathan miller's brief history of disbelief", I've been working through this documentary for months, it's a universal cure for insomnia.... Except tonight... I got caught up in it..... Some documentaries, I'm not sure if I use them to cure insomnia, or if I'm actually trying to watch them and just keep falling asleep.

Interesting thing...(must note, I'm not here to discuss the accuracy) But as I perceived it, Deism was a theory that god existed but only as an initial catalyst, but but but...

The interesting part was that then it talked about how this belief by 17th and 18th century intellectuals, was never to be talked about in front of the Servants. Because religion was necessary to maintain, public order and "morality".
Instantly I realized that it's most probable that all secret societies, are based in this "Secret"....

So, you rise to the "Highest levels of "Scull and bones" or "The Masons"

The Veil is cast off....
Music plays

They reveal to you "There is no god", it's a shell game for Mass Control, by the intelligentsia.

Funny Shit...

I'm dying to run into a mason and give them the ol'

"*Wink Wink, Nod Nod* I'm in on the game too."

I wonder if the mormons carry the same secret, and when you become pope. There is like a secret book.....last page "It's all a Lie".

And it explains why Dubja used all this " Crusade" nonsense to go into Iraq, and create a U.S. military base, to steal the oil.

What I'm getting at, isn't that it's surprising to me. But that this is the original "shell game", and You can see, him a Cheney giving each other the "Secret Hand job" and being dumb enough to concoct this Moronic Scheme.

Unfathomable, through all this, has been that, As dumb as a box of Hammers as they (dick and Dubja) are. They Act Twice as Stupid. It just never made any sense to me...

Unless Under all their stupidity, was a deeper Less stupid motive..... None the less... Still Dumb as shit. But like 120 IQ Stupid, and not 80 IQ stupid.

all the while, narcissistic enough to think they are Geniuses.

Now my real question is... 'do the masses really need religion? I mean... They have T.V. Right?

I mean, that could even be the secret behind the devinci code, not shit about Mary being Jesus' wife...

I actually had that argument once..... "WTF are you talking about? Jesus and Mary were married? They didn't even Exist.... But somehow if these fictions are... They are married.

Easter bunny Too, I guess... yep.. Married to Briar Rabbit... shhhh keep it under your hat!!!

I may die, before a train of thought leaves the station

Ho hum, what a great way to start a post. I have stolen it, since that is the way I feel these days. I am sitting here hoping to become inspired.

Interesting thoughts I have had over past days:

1. I am reminded of driving to my sisters to have an awkward thanksgiving, with my Ex. It was awkward as far as my sister and family were concerned. I think they expected someones head to explode. I also remember not offering to bring anything, and I remember it being an unremarkable meal. Except the awkward silence....

Maybe that is just how I remember it.

2. I've been thinking about backpacking again, trying to scheme a way to haul the gear up fro a frozen evening of shitty food, in the woods. I always like to say "life is a journey" but I do seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere, or to accomplish something, most of the time.

3. I think I've decided I suffer a minor semi-functional version of autism. I do have my amazing math abilities, and I am tragically phobic of public gatherings, and being part of large groups. Poor socialization, Isn't' that fun? Of course I can be a hypochondriac too.

mmmmmm brined turkey trichinosis nap.

Maybe I'll watch "planes tranes and automobiles."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I'm going to sit down here and try and type something up.

The worst part of my Prose these days is it's so focused on Economics, and my Wit, or lack there of is focused there. Someone was encouraging me to write, and I find it an absolute pity that when I sit down, like I am now. The words don't seem to show up. Some of this has to do with my recent lack of exercise, the rest has to do with my mind being focused in other directions.

I do think it would be healthy, for me to find a distraction like writing, or something. Things are honestly getting more stable for me, personally. Which could give me an opportunity to do more writing.

Long term, the idea of a book, seems silly. A fiction... hmmm My Ex, says my talents are better put to social commentary...


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

did I post today?

check this out...

not sure if anyone follows this stuff, these people insure the loans that banks own.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I am the walrus

So, I made it out running. I finaly hit that point, after 2 weeks of no exercise, where I looked at myself and said "you look like, you feel.". And I made it out to run... after slugging through 3 miles... Let me say that I did feel like a guy who can run, it's not like I felt when I started and had no muscle development for the sport, But None the less, I felt like a Walrus.

Seems like I do this every year, at one point in the fall I take a brake, then get back to buisness... but it's not like this makes it any easier.

Chasing the Trade

Of the Ten thousand times I've chased a trade, and just had the shit taken to me, it kills how much I just didn't make... But that is loser talk, I hear.

I expect more selling tomorrow... Hmmm, maybe I'm locked up in some lack of confidence.

of course i'm starting to look at the long side.

What a deep sell off, right through 13050 through 13000 and playing with 13900.

Still waiting for my rally.

Making me sick.... Always more trades tomorrow. This is as limp as I've ever seen the market.. It's like a wet sack of paper.

absolutly no sign of a rally.

idiot on the Floor of the NYSE

Where do some of these guys get Jobs...

"well, the fed has to respond to the additional volatility in the market."

"it's obvious that things of become significantly worse, and the fed has to ease."

OK, nothing has changed since the fed cut. Nothing.

Infact the jobs numbers have gotten better... so Why would the Fed cut??? what has become worse, besides the S&P?

You also could argue that, they need to tighten, to respond to the Dollar risk. and that what few bullets they have, need to be held to stop the credit market from tightning.

Of course fuck it, we could become the new Carry trade. and Peso.

Liberal Pinko Commi

As a leftist, does the fact that I'm pro-balanced federal budget(at least close, Plus or minus 10 trillion total debt). Make me more of a Republican than I think...
Or did the Republicans just convince the world that democrats are Pro deficit.

and it's a thing no one wants.

Internet Shopping Black Monday. The day employees spend their day shopping on amazon, instead of working.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Here I sit, having my 4:40 pre-bed meal.

I used to be able to sit down and just bang out interesting ideas here on the old laptop. And these days, my brainpower is reserved for Geometric symmetry of markets, Psychology of buyers and sellers.

all kinds of Global economy nonsense..

Yep... Well that is about it...


maybe I'll read a book fall asleep.

There is a great documentary on the documentary channel, called "McLibel" . umn I just never can have kids, I just would never allow them to get involved in all this commercial shit, I just wouldn't let them watch T.V.

Second time

I'm sitting through

"The day after tomorrow" again...

What a fun movie, as far as disaser movies go.

Fern update:

I've been cutting away the dead parts, and things are looking up for it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Sleep Chronicles: Day 432

So, to get up at 2am, you have to get to bed at 6pm or you go to bed at 8 pm and you get 6 hours of sleep.

Or, You go to bed at 6 and wake up at 12am and get 6 hours of sleep, Then fight the next night to not fall asleep at 5.

Tonight, I fought to stay awake until 6, Fell asleep watching "Nova" or "Nature". Dreamt I was part of a pack of wolves(It must have been Nature). Then woke back up at 7... Roughly when the wolves took the valley back over from the bad guys(I think they were the Sharks).

I got something to eat, Now I'm upset because it's 9pm and I'm not in bed, and it's Saturday.

Turkey Day.

This getting up at 2-3am is for the Birds. Speaking of which.

For my Thanksgiving I will be doing this!

Good Eats Roast Turkey

I have a 13 pound bird.

1 (14 to 16 pound) frozen young turkey

For the brine:
1 cup kosher salt
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1 gallon vegetable stock
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
1/2 tablespoon allspice berries
1/2 tablespoon candied ginger
1 gallon iced water

For the aromatics:
1 red apple,
sliced 1/2 onion,
sliced 1 cinnamon stick
1 cup water
4 sprigs rosemary
6 leaves sage
Canola oil

Combine all brine ingredients, except ice water, in a stockpot, and bring to a boil. Stir to dissolve solids, then remove from heat, cool to room temperature, and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.

Early on the day of cooking, (or late the night before) combine the brine and ice water in a clean 5-gallon bucket. Place thawed turkey breast side down in brine, cover, and refrigerate or set in cool area (like a basement) for 6 hours. Turn turkey over once, half way through brining.

A few minutes before roasting, heat oven to 500 degrees. Combine the apple, onion, cinnamon stick, and cup of water in a microwave safe dish and microwave on high for 5 minutes.
Remove bird from brine and rinse inside and out with cold water. Discard brine.
Place bird on roasting rack inside wide, low pan and pat dry with paper towels. Add steeped aromatics to cavity along with rosemary and sage. Tuck back wings and coat whole bird liberally with canola (or other neutral) oil.

Roast on lowest level of the oven at 500 degrees F. for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cover breast with double layer of aluminum foil, insert probe thermometer into thickest part of the breast and return to oven, reducing temperature to 350 degrees F. Set thermometer alarm (if available) to 161 degrees. A 14 to 16 pound bird should require a total of 2 to 2 1/2 hours of roasting. Let turkey rest, loosely covered for 15 minutes before carving.

Many years ago, I brined a Turkey for leftovers(I went to someone elses house), Then my old man came over and went after my leftovers-which had yet to be touched. I heard this huge crash, and found my father standing in a pile of my brined turky.

Besides a taist or 2, I've never had a brined turkey, and I intend to have it this year.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Did I post today?

This poor blog, I post to my stock blog. then I just post a placeholder to this one.....

What can I say... The economy is starting to circle the drain, I'm not getting enough exercise, I need a nap. My Colon......(I'll save this for a special edition).

Maybe I'll spend an hour daydreaming about going for a run.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

bla bla bla


Ugh.... Ugh Ugh.....

things are good, but I'm fatigued.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In the Spirit of decompression and relaxation.

I'm going to give an attempt at some writing... What to write about????

Maybe a list of what not to write about...
  • How tired I am.
  • Biologic processes.
  • The Fern...(Just a quickie. It's rough, still hanging on, it maybe turning the corner to recovery.)
  • Stag-Flation.

Oh... here we go....

This morning I heard a great Political Spin. You know how in politics things are reworded to give things a better "Spin".. The Estate Tax, renamed The Death Tax.... So this great guy, has now renamed getting rid of "The Death Tax", the "Paris Hilton Tax Break".. Which now that I look it up, may have been coined by Barack Obama.

So now when, the death tax is mentioned, at least argue that it should be called the Paris Hiltion tax break.

Oh, Some guy with an Iphone, can remember the bosses wedding web site, but not the fiance's name.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stick With me.

I'm working on this... Unfortunately as part of national blog month I'm expected to blog every day. As you may have read I have this, dis-ability to ramble in twenty directions these days, and I just word vomit onto my blog. Also note the stock blog suffers the same fate.

I'm saying, I'm working on it. My life is fairly overwhelming right now. Hence Focus is becoming an issue.

I did get some nice comments about some of the better things I've written in the past weeks. Thank you, it does help to get some feedback.

My Ex-thinks I should take up Gonzo journalism... which sounds to me like another way to be a broke poor asshole forever... Hence my apprehension. I actually once started working on a novel based on the old blog, but have temporarily given it up.

I also ... I just swear to god there has to be some easy way to just make great money... and by great, just enough money to keep all the bills paid, Health care and be able to retire by 65.

I've had fantasies about moving again lately, like to Europe or Brazil.

I guess this is all I have.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Gen Y, work.

anyone see 60 minutes
Everyone should know I'm a workaholic. Sure I work-out, and blog, and that is sort of recreational. I've sounded off numerous times about, the idea that the workplace should have a "nap time", or that running off to "yoga" is beneficial.

I've worked some nontraditional workplaces, and I don't see a problem with people taking off to do things they need to for personal reasons. and fitness is compleatly bennifical to the employer, it should be encouraged...


after a while, the problem is that it all becomes a distraction from work, and suddenly you have 10 people getting the work done of 1.

All this talk is just a bunch of "Baby" shit, and honestly we need a good recession and push these kids into unemployment, so that they can realize that, they need to do some fucking work.

I've worked with these "millennials", and only the most 'blue collar' of them have ever been able to keep up with me. and trust me, I've completely slowed down since I was 18.

I've numerous times had to mention that when they are on the clock, it's time for them to earn their keep. The company doesn't pay them to "not work"

sure, I'll grant I work too hard, but how do you fire people for not doing their job, when they come in and don't want to do their job.

IMHO, there is way to much tolerance for this shit, and way to many bosses on Prozac, who don't give a shit...

Just more reason to worry about our economy....

The most rediculous thing in the world

I heard the Lamest thing today.

Someone arguing today...

this was the debate.

Ambulance Chasers VS. Pharmaceuticals.

It makes it so hard to try to pick a side..

Who the hell, it's like picking a Level of hell... 8th level or 9th?

Like a couple cats fighting in a bag that I'd like to throw into a river.

OK, Here is where I stand... I'm with the Trial Lawyers, At least they aren't fucking with peoples Biochemistry just to give them erections, or stop their legs from twitching....

to move

Dang, I think I have to move to the east coast. This getting up at 2am Mountain and being "floor exhausted"(floor exhausted is where I could literaly crawl into a ball on the floor and go to sleep) at 5pm, it's just ridiculous...

If I lived in the east, I could go to bed in like an hour it would be 6 or 7 and then get up at 4am.. and it would be groovy... but no, I'm 2 hours off of that, and I have to force myself to stay up till 10pm Eastern, which is 8 my time....

This is just ridiculous.

and my blogging at this point.... Honestly it's embarrassing...

I'm just so fucking tired.

I keep complaining(like a little bitch, to people) and they go "Well why are you tired?"
I say, "Cause I get up at 2-4 am...."
They go, "well that is why".

Irritably I say "I knew why, it's you who didn't, All I said was I was fucking tired."

I'm so tired I can't even read.

Even worse is to go to bed at 5pm and wake up at 10pm......

sleep and coffee

I slept all damn weekend, I got up early on sunday, then took an epic nap...

Fucking Epic.
Here goes, my first cup of coffee for the week. Full Pot....Major cup of Hot good Damn Coffee.

Cheers.... Here is to a good week.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I won't take you through the events going on in Pakistan, But it's very exciting....

Here is the thing. There is this push for Elections... I'm certainly pro democracy..
When one looks at other cultures, you have to realise that, they are different. It's so impossible to take one culture and try to force it into a mold that was created by our culture.

What isn't understood here, in my opinion, is that what is going on is Democracy. People voting through their Feet, by standing up and supporting what they believe in.

If Bhutto, can avoid assassination, honesty she won't have to share power with Musharraf.

Benazir Bhutto" src="">

It is democracy, and it's just the way that it works there. They take to the streets shout and chant, build momentum, and if there are enough of them, and they are stronger than the force that resists them, then they have a revolution... It's democracy.
we force these elections, and all that happens is the powers that be corrupt it and maintain power.

Sunday Mornings

I have romantic notions of Sunday Morning; An Oak Stained kitchen, Fresh cut Vase of flowers, a selection of newspapers, A T.V. Quietly filling my head with useful information(I can dream, Can't I), A Toasted bagel, couple pieces of bacon, scrambled eggs.

Though my Sunday mornings aren't quite that nice, or as nice as the above picture. Honestly, it's been a nice morning, and I haven't even made coffee yet. Maybe I'll take a nap.


From Newsday:
Norman Mailer, the author whose name was synonymous with literary celebrity in the second half of the 20th century, died Saturday at the age of 84.Mailer died of acute renal failure at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, J. Michael Lennon, the author's literary executor and biographer, said.

It sort of reminded me, that I get an opportunity to write and share my thoughts with the rest of the world, and that I don't take better advantage of it.

Honestly Blogs are tremendous opportunity. I should stop waisting mine talking about my colon, But who am I kidding.


.....And I challenge the motor ciy cobra, Thomas "the hit man" Hearns to fight me, for the welter weight championship on the whole wide world.

I'm watching Million dollar baby. Which is an unbelievable movie.

it reminds me of when my life was simpler, it may be time to build the workout room. I need a way to blow out some tension.

I purchased some apples today, I haven't had apples for months, and it's apple season.

It always takes until Sunday morning to start feeling normal......

Ugh... I'm reading about the Dollar.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I went to bed at 6pm.... ok 6:30... I just made some tea and will be going back to bed...

I just figured you would want to know..

I trimmed some of my trees today

If I'm not going to go work out, I need to stop providing fitness advice.

Umn... Fern update. I took it outside, it's only about 30% dead... I think we are going to recover.

Friday, November 9, 2007


for those of you who don't know... Your global/commodity purchasing power of your Cash fell 1.1% this week. Yes, You have 1% less purchasing power than you did a week ago... Also your down about 7% on the year, and 20% since 2003. As the Dollar has fallen in value against all global curacies.

Also of note... Dipshits who call the Dollar "The Greenback" the greenback was a government issued Dollar of Abraham Lincoln. Which was withdrawn from the economy in the early 1990s??(I think). Later the U.S. Dollar was issued by the "Federal Reserve" which is a private institution, and not a federal institution.

Or something....

Ohhh Black helicopters are coming..(I'm just playing here)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Feel Lucky

I'm not talking about my bowels.... Just saying. I'm so fucking tired..

I need 3 more hours of sleep tonight...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Did I blog yesterday...

For those of you who missed it the DJIA fell over 340 pts today... big win for my portfolio... and it still has about 300-500 points to run.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So in 1942 the japanese invaded the aleution islands, and the government hid it from us. there is an episode of independant lens about it, which is quite good. "red white black and blue" also see pbs

The melancholy and Nostalgic reflection continue.....

I spent some time this morning looking up old friends. Some of that stuff can be unsettling. as you find out how well they are doing.

Then some asshole talked to me about a job, a 9-5 one. Fuck that shit... Just the idea of ... I've worked for myself for so long, and I can only stand certain kinds of bosses. It takes some fucking dude about 40 seconds to make me want to kill him, as someones ideas about how to micromanage converge with their inability to take any responsibility.

Worse is, it was a government job... Ugh

Just to get more personal, it upsets me that I can't just suck it up and take it... I did that for so many years. Many years of taking verbal abuse, of dealing with bosses who did nothing but get in your way, Years of being insulted and pretending not to hear it. All while constantly doing everything I could to get as much done as I could. All to get paid Nothing, barley a working wage, barley a living wage. Lucky to make it through each week and keep the bills paid.

Also Knowing that deep down it's more my problem than anything; not demanding enough money, not taking advantage when I could, Being the better person, Trying to make my world a better one, regardless of how it affected me..... and now I'm fucking whining about it like a little bitch...

Monday, November 5, 2007

More - I feel like crap

I'm just not doing the things I need to these days. Why reflect.

Carlito: Don't take me to no hospital, please. Fuckin' emergency rooms don't save nobody. Som-bitches, always pop you at midnight, when all they got is a Chinese intern with a dull spoon.

Carlito: Favor gonna kill you faster than a bullet.
-carlito's way
Okidokie....... For weeks I've felt like I wanted to just sit here in my office chair, and strum on a guitar... I guess that means I'm melancholy.

Things are good, Feeling good about my stock positions... Which hasn't happened in months. Sure I'm up again at 2am, I wish it was 4. I wish I was reading my books, but it's tough.....
For the doctor piscachio's benefit, as big as I'm talking about fitness. I haven't run in like a week, or gotten on the bike. this is as long as it's been in a very long time. I big success today would be to get a run in.... In fact that should be my number one priority.

Fern Update: *sigh* it's in rough shape, overall it's not getting worse, but this is going ot be a challenge, I should put it out in the greenhouse today.... Honestly that could be to much for it, maybe I'll give it an hour in the greenhouse then give it some time in a sunny window.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Stupid Commodities,

I'm a huge fan of Documentaries, over the past years there have been tons of documentaries about "Blood Diamonds" and "conflict diamonds". For years I've mentioned what a stupid commodity Gold is. It's has no practical purpose, and it's only value is based on scarcity, and delusions of value. One could justify it as a unit of trade, but it's lack of quantity, makes it a fairly easy commodity to "Corner the market" and then you end up controlling the money supply.
Diamonds, this market has been cornered, and Besides synthetic all diamonds are "Blood Diamonds" or "Conflict diamonds"... People die for this shit, regardless of if your diamond comes from Canada, or Australia, or the U.S. The Manic, desire and pursuit of this commodity (which isn't traded openly) has killed Millions. So when you have that little ring with that little shiny rock on it. I want you to remember, you have a hand in creating this.....

It's the diamond market that causes this, and worse.

Don't buy Diamonds.

and that DiCaprio movie sucked and gave you almost no idea the depravity of the diamond situation.

Money never sleeps!

For those of you who, don't know... I'm obsessed with economics, and the markets. Worst part is sometimes I'm to sleepy to read through the massive piles of documents, theories and thesis that I need to, and the 3 hours at a whack of sleep I'm getting is.... bairly sleep.

I read something about 'Computer Traders', and how they will dominate the world... Um. though I feel like a dinosaur, or like John Henry when I say this "it's nonsence"... The essence of the market is supply and demand, buyers and sellers... it's a market... to be honest when you get rid of the Fear and Greed, and the real buyers and sellers... Umnnn you get rid of the market... I mean Honestly... if the computers get going on it..what they will say is... This shit is worthless.... I mean Honestly stocks are worthless, When Delta Airlines can go bankrupt, and the shareholders can't sieze the remaining assets, and shut the company down, as should have happened, That shit isn't worth a fucking thing. Honestly the shareholders should be placed above the creditors, if the creditors loan out beyond the book value... it's their risk.. they should get burned 50/50 with the shareholders.

point being Stocks are fucking worthless, but that some dope is willing to give me money for them... that gives them value. put a computer in there, and it's one computer against another... there is no 'Market' there. and the market will die.

Daylight savings/The Fern

I've got some interruption of my sleep schedule. I took 3 Naps today, So I'm up at 2 Am... Or is it 1am. So, here I am.... Strangely "The Lonely guy" is on.. Which reminds me about my Fern.... It's really in the ropes... It may be time for some desperate measures, In fact I may have to take it during the day to the greenhouse.

Those of you who remember "Dr. Pistachio", She is training for a Half marathon, and I ... Being me, threw her a quick training schedule....

Your standard 2 intervals, 2 long days, 1-3 easy-rest days. increasing the training 10% each week leading to a half marathon. Honestly, working from a marathon, and reducing 10% till we got to where she is in her training now... Unfortunately this first week is a significant increase, and I was worried she would overdo it and quit. She is so smart, I think she will keep at it, and knows how not to over-do it.

I decided to sign up for the nablopomo(blog every day, all month till either I bore my readers or my blogging improves month)... and I have a new reader... Temporarily....
Zee, of Simply Zee.. So I'll be adding that blog to my already long list of blogs I read, but It will get special attention, as most of the personal blogs I read do.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

more journal updates

I forgot to whine about a bunch of shit.

Fern Update: I have over fertilized... this is now a pattern with my plant care, I keep using chemical fertilizer and overdose my plants. I used to use more organic natural fertilizers, and it's harder to do with those... So I keep fucking my plants up. I've also moved it to where it will get more sun, and put the Bare side tward the most sun... giving me the idea that it's more fucked up that it actually is. I did get a sense of this days ago and stoped the treatments days ago. (basicly I was spraying diluted fertilizer on it once a day)

I'm tempted to give Art the blog... also sleevie and jrad. I may start with art and work my way up (poet Know-it).

I saw "The Big Kahuna" , What I didn't realize was that it draws a parallel between being a "salesman"and proselytizing a religion. I remembered that some moral arguments were being made about "life, and priorities, and work and our beliefs". On this viewing it was very clear to me that they were Coining the difference/parallels between Salesman using "Small Talk" to lead into business. And using business to lead people into Jesus talk.
Apropos to these thoughts was a rant I went into about how Utah Businessman, Use a Business Model of "Ponzi/Pyramid Schemes" and "The Church" as their business model. Which Leads them to either a life of Ripoffs and Failed Businesses, which don't translate into the "realworld"... Well except the "Rip-off" part, that's very common to business. Also that Utah is where big business comes to Slowly Die of rigamortis.

As a post script.... I'm a constant misspeller of business... Which I spell buisness in a phonetic West valley... Mullet mutilation. For those of you who also don't realize I constantly misspell sometimes-somtimes.... I like to think it's a typo.. but honestly it's just a constant fuckup.

Apparently it's blogger month.... Apparently Hanna Montana is the illegitimate child of Ziggy.. No not the pudgy one.

somthing about blog every day or write a novel, Honestly if you can tolerate my spooky outlook on the market I probably do blog every day... but my bloging sucks these days.... It could be lack of audience, or lack of exercise... or something. I'd love to write as a profession.....

Hmmmm...What to blog... My Fricking keyboard on my laptop is acting up, I'm hoping it's anomylis......

Speaking of zombie movies, Army of darkness is on, Damn I love this movie.....

"first you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me"

"Hail to the King Baby"

I missed the "Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett" documentary... except that I think I have it recorded somewhere.

Which reminds me of my current Thesis " The Pharmaceutical industry, has Killed the Music industry, and not the MP3".... BTW I came up with this Thesis, when I saw how big "Hanna Montana" was...

Especially when I realized that there is no Hanna Montana and that she is a Character in a Disney program, and that Hanna is actually Miley Cyrus, and the Tour is just this Huge Freaky Multimedia/Disney Psudo-Rock idol Creation(like most pop these days). It all seems like some sick Homage to Ziggy Stardust.

I mean, hell he could be her father, only she, like every other child in America is jacked full of Ritalin, or what ever the current non-generic antidepressant Du Jour is. Also, her actual father is Billy Ray Cycus. Which BTW is way more than I wanted to know, but found out in the reading of the Psudo-footnotes, for this Blog Post..... And now I think I need to vomit and Gently bump my head repeatedly into the Toilet, as the Surreal Nature of the Corporate Generated Illusion we refer to as "Reality" is.

"Hanna Montana... Isn't Real"


"Corporate Media, isn't brainwashing our kids, into unrealistic illusions of life called "Sit-coms" and "dramas", which Compensate them for a Lack of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". As corporate America, sucks the life from their bones.


"No, George Bush isn't trying to bankrupt America, to force us into Slavery to the Uber-class, By debasing the Dollar, and providing an opportunity for the Ruling class to foreclose on any "Real Assets" anyone owns."


"The Black Helicopters, of the Newly arising, Private army(blackwater), of the Christian fundamentalists, are not/have not performed a Coup , and placed a shill in place of representative Government, trying to bring about Armageddon)


*alright time for my medication*

(Hey, I think I've outdone myself this time, this was a great post, interesting fun, Thought provoking, good stuff! Hat Tip to Blogger month or nablopomo)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Narative journal....

A friends wife was violating my personal space... it wasn't "That" it just was... one of those "don't stand so close to me" moments. Which is good, I should be in public more.

I posted my letter to His Rockyniss, on the old blog and here.

I want to see "Henry and June" again.

I need to run or something tomorrow.

I sent this to The Salt Lake Tribune Op-Ed

Open Letter to Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Anderson AKA Rocky Anderson.
(If It was good enough for your parents, and your original campaign(s) for senate it's good enough for me(I also have a thesis that people that insist on nicknames are lunatics(I'm sure you’re the exclusion and not the rule( Why not "Conan", or "third leg" if you get to pick.))).

Dear, soon to be Former Mayor Anderson, or should I refer to you as the Artist formerly known as "The Political activist, Mayor Anderson".

As you end your term in office, I wanted to thank you for all of your service to the City. I also want to note, your continued ability prioritize your time in such productive ways, and thank you for being my surrogate father.

As the Mayor of the city, I'm very happy to see you take time away from the important tasks of making this city run more effectively on it's limited tax base, and provide important services for the common welfare of it's citizenry. I'm a life long democrat, activist, common "Dubja" dissenter and to see you take up the important task of fighting those horrible "bottles of water", makes me proud to be associated with you.

I'm a long time water connoisseur, and avid reader of health and science texts, and wanted to point out the numerous studies that have shown the danger of fluoridation in water and its ties to thyroid problems. Which could be one of the numerous causes, in addition to their fast food, video game lifestyle, of the epidemic of plump little kids we seem to be seeing. Sure, I'd rather get some purified water from the tap, than be served with a Glistening plastic bottle, at my table, but what I would really like is if only we could find some people in our local government to help us with some of the other fights, things like raising awareness and ridding the fluoridation from our water. Do you happen to know such people in our local political system? who could attempt to affect such change? Maybe you could call them, when you're not busy with press conferences about bottled water.

Maybe you also have noted the toxicity in the ground water, on the west side of the Valley, that an infamous copper mine, keeps swearing they have "Taken Care of", that for many years has leaked into the taps of the residence there, maybe this can be the next "Cause Du-Jour" you could pick up the baton for, or doesn’t that come onto your radar as an activist, in your fight against tragic "Bottles" at high end restaurants in both Salt Lake and Park City. I can certainly understand that it is a much lower priority problem.

I'm with you sir, if only someone in local politics had the time and could do something about these things, but there is so little time, and where does it all go?

Let me just reiterate my appreciation for your ability to prioritize those fleeting minutes of time, you have remaining in office, to affect some real change, continuing to use them effectively in dealing with the truly important tasks that challenge this community in our daily lives and for being a shining example of good governance. I continue to thank you for spending a few of the precious moments of my life, listening one of your infamous rants about, whatever your rant du-jour is. When will people learn to not load our land-fills with those bottles? I just can't see how people sleep at night. "Garbage, in the landfill...... what is wrong with people!?".
That is it! I'm calling for a boycott of all the "High End" restaurants. But where will people eat? Heaven forbid that someone cook a meal, and generate all that other garbage, that surrounds all that food from the grocery store. As my surrogate father, I need some kind of answer about what to do. As I hide under the covers of my bed, waiting for some answer to these hideous problems. Shaking and shivering, too afraid to sleep, as the empy bottles line up in my nightmares, and attack me with their, lip cutting, broken plastic ways. As my only sustenance is tap water, into my handmade ceramic cup, purchased from politically correct starving(for a good latte) Park City Arts Festival artists(oh, and maybe a little lemon). Maybe I can go outside and chew on some dirt, Heaven forbid I open a package of seeds and grow a garden. But Alas, I'll be too weak.... and with my remaining breath, I'll lay there, gasping "Daddy....Rocky... Rosebud...*choke*".
But I digress.

On a personal note, as you fade from the public view, and as I am person, who has taken satisfaction from your numerous failures, preferably in the primaries, in all your aspirations to a higher office. I would like to encourage you, to add your name to the long list of rambling personalities on the radio and/or as a frequent "Talking Head" on local television programs, as opposed to wasting your "special talents", seeking higher office. Further, if you could switch to some other... Green party or other Wing-nut organization, I would appreciate it....or have you ever considered being a Libertarian? or Federalist?.... they have some great ideas.

May I even hazard the suggestion that you're wasting your impressive skills here in Utah, fighting for the common rights of Gastronomy Democrat customer, and that those abilities be taken to maybe California, or Seattle, Massachusetts maybe, here you are just to far ahead of the curve on these issues, for us slow witted hick democrats, worried about petty things like, collapsing housing markets, employment, feeding our families, staying healthy and paying insurance and medical bills.

Maybe you could get into an argument with Ann Coulter next, wouldn't that be fun? But would you degrade yourself to that level? I think you could manage, as long as it advanced your celebrity. Have you sent her a letter with your thoughts on the issue? But I doubt she is well versed in the whole "Bottled water, Land-fill dynamic".. she is a quick study, I think she can catch up. You really are the JFK democrat our party needs.

I'm thinking about having some T-shirts printed, "FREE THE YUPPIE WATER, FROM THE IMPERIALIST SHACKELS OF IT'S BOTTLE."(To Long?) Maybe we can go to liberty park, get high and pray to Gaia that some solution is found, to the number one priority of Local Government... Bottled Water. Have you suggested to the party that they initiate the new slogan "Democrat, we are all about the bottled water.". You have missed your calling, some of the national political campaigns could really use your help, Call Obamma, Call Clinton, This needs to be the lynch pin of their platforms. Do you think we can get a National petition going?... Constitutional amendment?

Thank you once again,
Fluoride in my toothpaste,
My politicians understanding priorities;
Keep the potholes filled,
And provide for the common welfare.
%$%^^- Fortunately of West Jordan.

P.S. I hope you understand irony. Let me further suggests that your remaining time in office may probably be better spent, picking up the trash from around the city and county building,(maybe you could have that trash recycle it into ceramic cups), Maybe a dust mop, or broom? but I would hate for you to actually accomplish something.

P.P.S Get over it, it's a bottle in a landfill, Al Gore you're not. You may not win a Peace prize, But you may be eligible for a Darwin Award.... and Publishers Clearing house is totally open.

P.P.P.S As a high level party democrat, do you know if it's possible to have someone banned from the party? I guess I'll have to make some phone calls.

Follow up:

So, The trib sent me a reply: "Sorry, we don't publish third party letters.". Admittedly, I didn't expect/anticipate them to publish it..... Couple Reasons:

  1. The Salt Lake Tribune, is filled with Coward, paper-pushers... Who honestly avoid anything Journalistic, and just republish The Associated Press.(someone remind me why print is dead.)... Why do you think there is a huge emergence of faux-news.
  2. Who do you thing the Latte Drinking-Ceramic Cup having-Gastronomy Democrats are??? SLTrib staff.
  3. Third Party letter- As an Open Letter, it's not actually "To" Ros/Rocky... What it is is an Open Public Challenge.... and what is a News Paper for Besides that. But Like I've covered, The Tribune is a bunch of Ham-Handed, Latte Drinking Pussies, who wouldn't understand journalisum or thier place in serving the public good. If it hit them in the face like a Brick. The Open Letter is an Opinion/letter to the editor to "The Public", and Ross, as a memeber of the "Public" is not a Third Party, he is Part of the Second Party. But Like I said, Ham Handed, Latte Drinking, Gastronomy Democrat, Morons. Even Stupider, is that if a letter to the editor wasn't an "Open" letter... They couldn't publish it, The legal standard of ownership

Just to let Y'all know, there will be a resurgence over the next 20 years of the Industrial-Union-Blue Collar Democrat. I'm sure you ask? I didn't even know they existed?... Yes, and post JFK they are/were the backbone of the democratic party... all the way till the 1980's.. When they faded away, Democrats started losing, but To put it into today's nomenclature- The NASCAR Dads are going to be pissed they don't have good jobs and are losing their homes, under the republicans and will come back.

I also believe, they didn't believe that I'm a liberal/democrat and this was a conservative Ploy, since a lot of these charges were leveled against Ross, by that Asshole-Moron Sean Hannity... More Conservatives ruining my legitimate Criticism, Because of their Polarizing Bullshit... Thanks again Asshole.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

somnus interruptus

I'm feeling like shit, It's like I just got the worst 8 hours of sleep in my life.

Thoughts for trading tomorrow

regional banks.

I should have more cereal.....

or some pie.....