Wednesday, August 22, 2007

stocks and blogs

Well, I just posted to a great stock blog, and I suspect there may be some trackback traffic to this blog.... Which isn't a stock blog.... It's more about my Colon and Exercise... But Welcome to anyone who shows up.....

Just my moron opinions, stock wise....

I think we are going lateral for the next 3 months. over the next 2 days I think we will get a quick bump in the market which I'm probably going to short, depending on where the biggest action is. but I do think that unless there is some big news like a hedge fund or bank taking a dive. we will get either one or 2 more up days.

If the dive is large enough it is going to make Dylan Rattigain Cry which will be worth the money I've lost in the past month.

In more foolish news, I think I just caught another Top. *shrug*. won't be the first time, or last. Maybe it's just consolidation/accumulation.

I think that Cramer is wrong about.... Well about a lot, but the fed is going to let everyone hang, not realizing what a bunch of Shit bags they are, as predatory lenders, to Blue Collar guys making $10 bucks an hour. Are getting foreclosed on, because they don't know what an Adjustable Rate mortgage is. Included will be, huge losses in his Pension plan.
But what does any of that matter, because we have to let the market correct. Not to mention that he is this markets #1 consumer as he buys 2 cell phones a year, Ipods, a new computer, and his leveraged to the max 20K on his credit cards. It's ok, he can lose his house, and go bankrupt.....
Uncle Ben, I'm sorry to say, but the speculators, and the subprime bond creators, are a thousand miles away from this now. And it's just a matter of who is left in the game of musical chairs...... I agree piss the Banks and the Hedge funds, real estate speculators... Etc. But the truth of the matter is that Joe Schmo will be the one who loses, But without him this economy dies. Don't worry he will keep working and buying his way to happyness, but with much less money.
At best the Fed pulled a head fake, to keep the banks from freezing up.

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