Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Haunted again

I don't know what it is; Could be an old friend who just got in touch, Could be a bit of the winter shut in madness, perhaps a little to much spicy food.

I don't usually go to sleep in the quiet, Just me and my thoughts. As a child I found it easier to fall asleep to some music, or something else. As an adult I'm more a fall asleep to the T.V. kind of person.. Usually a movie or a documentary. I know it's healthier sleep to have it in the stillness. Maybe it's wondering what the various sounds are, either the road outside, or the creaking of the house. Not that I'm scared... Just curious.

But, there I lay in the dark, remembrances of times past, old axes to grind. Many things, many sufferings, which will never be resolved to my satisfaction. Resolute that it came to an end and that that time is passed. Still it races through my mind, like a mouse stealing Cheese from my current life, but not to be seen. Just remnants....

A cup of Tea, some milk, ant-acids and Bang away at my keyboard, There is this woman I'm seeing, she is so desperate for acceptance and affection. Her biggest problem being, that because of her desire for acceptance, she has never "become". What ever it is that we all dig deep into, our inner strength inner core, she tends to try and appease, tries to be interested in what I'm interested in. Always maker her Unwhole, making her yet another Paper finger puppet in life, fighting herself, because she doesn't think she will be accepted....

Is it because of my resurgent cycling, that these thoughts come to my head, that my brain kicks into overdrive with missives(Main Entry: mis·sive Pronunciation: \ˈmi-siv\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle French lettre missive, literally, letter intended to be sent).

Strange thoughts from my innards.. When really, I just want to get to sleep....

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