So, I have umn... this ridiculous fascination with the special forces, mix that with my nerdy nature and I love anything military and space..... In the mid 90's when I was going to school and not watching TV, I caught a few episodes of space above and beyond, and couldn't' watch it since I was fairly busy. But I loved the damn thing. Now with the Internets and the interTubes, this show is available now on DVD.
It's completely, Melodramatic, and overly .... It's just way over the top... But I find it over the top like one would find an opera, or other representational art form.... It's just the lamest thing in the world that it didn't last more than one season. It was on fox back in the early fox days, and they had a hard time finding it's audience.
" Anyone worth a Chig's ass will take responsibility for asking themselves, then answering, 'Who am I?' and, 'What's the point?'
"My name is Colonel Tyrus Cassius McQueen. But I know nothing of who I am. The answer, I feel, is near. The defining, perhaps final, moment, is close. Everyone -- everyone in this life knows when The Moment is before them.
To turn away is simple.
To ignore it assures survival.
But it is an insult to life,
because there can be no redemption, no second chance. Beyond death there's nothing. Just darkness... and cold. "The instant his existence was confirmed, every action, every breath of my life, became horrifyingly clear. He's out there tonight, sending our women, our men, to that cold, dark place. And nothing -- nothing -- will stop him, until I face The Moment."