Sunday, December 2, 2007

My epic weekend of snow blowing,and shuvling

After the Saturday morning shoveling and blowing, I had to do the Saturday afternoon.... We got about 8-12 inches of snow. in the final stretch of the snow blowing, the blower quit, and after 3 hours of it... I have one hell of a drive... and I get my neighbors too(I rock as a neighbor.) So, I had to finish it off today, after doing some maintenance.

My next door neighbor is very blue collar, I think he and his wife are very good people. Though they are good people, they really are the kind of blue collar people in our world that suffer the most. He used to have a great job, got layed off about 2001, then has suffered through long series of shitty Jobs, paying between $10-$20 an hour, with no health coverage, and just barley found something that was decent. Hopefully it treats him right until he can retire, at say 70 or so? It's hard to find a person who works as hard as he does. But it has never really payed off for him.

and me with my incessant whining about if to take a real job or not.....

It was easy to get his drive, and I was actually psyched to put on a hat,boots, gloves and skarf. Put the MP3 Player onto Jazz mode, and Just Zen out for a few hours.

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