Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I made it out on my bike this morning, I was going to live blog it from my phone, but it was inconvenient and then I was too tired.

Let me just share what it's like to ride a bike for 3 hours. In the first hour you burn up the glycogen in your blood supply and have to refill as you go, at 20 Mph you burn 2000 Kal per hour, you have to eat 700 to help your body pull the other 1300 from your fat supply and/or from your last Meal, or you can slow down. As poor as my training is right now, it's hard to eat that much every hour. 1400 calories in 2 hours. So, I spent 1 hour doing fine and then 2 hours in gastric distress. I got to my "feed" which is what I call the half way point, which is a convenience store where I can refill my bike bottles, and grab more food. The thought of chocolate was turning my stomach, and I was toying with ice cream, or other stuff, but it wasn't doing it for me. Which is a bad sign, since you just have to eat. I choked down a candy bar and was on my way.
Furthermore, when you get home you then have to eat again, usually some form of protein shake/fruit juice. Then the fun starts, you hit the shower, barley able to stand and lay your head on the side shower tile and ask yourself why you do this to yourself. about an hour later, after laying and/or sitting. you start feeling human again.

Ok, time for Iced coffee before I end up taking a nap.

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