Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stick With me.

I'm working on this... Unfortunately as part of national blog month I'm expected to blog every day. As you may have read I have this, dis-ability to ramble in twenty directions these days, and I just word vomit onto my blog. Also note the stock blog suffers the same fate.

I'm saying, I'm working on it. My life is fairly overwhelming right now. Hence Focus is becoming an issue.

I did get some nice comments about some of the better things I've written in the past weeks. Thank you, it does help to get some feedback.

My Ex-thinks I should take up Gonzo journalism... which sounds to me like another way to be a broke poor asshole forever... Hence my apprehension. I actually once started working on a novel based on the old blog, but have temporarily given it up.

I also ... I just swear to god there has to be some easy way to just make great money... and by great, just enough money to keep all the bills paid, Health care and be able to retire by 65.

I've had fantasies about moving again lately, like to Europe or Brazil.

I guess this is all I have.

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