Saturday, November 3, 2007

more journal updates

I forgot to whine about a bunch of shit.

Fern Update: I have over fertilized... this is now a pattern with my plant care, I keep using chemical fertilizer and overdose my plants. I used to use more organic natural fertilizers, and it's harder to do with those... So I keep fucking my plants up. I've also moved it to where it will get more sun, and put the Bare side tward the most sun... giving me the idea that it's more fucked up that it actually is. I did get a sense of this days ago and stoped the treatments days ago. (basicly I was spraying diluted fertilizer on it once a day)

I'm tempted to give Art the blog... also sleevie and jrad. I may start with art and work my way up (poet Know-it).

I saw "The Big Kahuna" , What I didn't realize was that it draws a parallel between being a "salesman"and proselytizing a religion. I remembered that some moral arguments were being made about "life, and priorities, and work and our beliefs". On this viewing it was very clear to me that they were Coining the difference/parallels between Salesman using "Small Talk" to lead into business. And using business to lead people into Jesus talk.
Apropos to these thoughts was a rant I went into about how Utah Businessman, Use a Business Model of "Ponzi/Pyramid Schemes" and "The Church" as their business model. Which Leads them to either a life of Ripoffs and Failed Businesses, which don't translate into the "realworld"... Well except the "Rip-off" part, that's very common to business. Also that Utah is where big business comes to Slowly Die of rigamortis.

As a post script.... I'm a constant misspeller of business... Which I spell buisness in a phonetic West valley... Mullet mutilation. For those of you who also don't realize I constantly misspell sometimes-somtimes.... I like to think it's a typo.. but honestly it's just a constant fuckup.

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