Saturday, November 3, 2007

Apparently it's blogger month.... Apparently Hanna Montana is the illegitimate child of Ziggy.. No not the pudgy one.

somthing about blog every day or write a novel, Honestly if you can tolerate my spooky outlook on the market I probably do blog every day... but my bloging sucks these days.... It could be lack of audience, or lack of exercise... or something. I'd love to write as a profession.....

Hmmmm...What to blog... My Fricking keyboard on my laptop is acting up, I'm hoping it's anomylis......

Speaking of zombie movies, Army of darkness is on, Damn I love this movie.....

"first you want to kill me, now you want to kiss me"

"Hail to the King Baby"

I missed the "Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett" documentary... except that I think I have it recorded somewhere.

Which reminds me of my current Thesis " The Pharmaceutical industry, has Killed the Music industry, and not the MP3".... BTW I came up with this Thesis, when I saw how big "Hanna Montana" was...

Especially when I realized that there is no Hanna Montana and that she is a Character in a Disney program, and that Hanna is actually Miley Cyrus, and the Tour is just this Huge Freaky Multimedia/Disney Psudo-Rock idol Creation(like most pop these days). It all seems like some sick Homage to Ziggy Stardust.

I mean, hell he could be her father, only she, like every other child in America is jacked full of Ritalin, or what ever the current non-generic antidepressant Du Jour is. Also, her actual father is Billy Ray Cycus. Which BTW is way more than I wanted to know, but found out in the reading of the Psudo-footnotes, for this Blog Post..... And now I think I need to vomit and Gently bump my head repeatedly into the Toilet, as the Surreal Nature of the Corporate Generated Illusion we refer to as "Reality" is.

"Hanna Montana... Isn't Real"


"Corporate Media, isn't brainwashing our kids, into unrealistic illusions of life called "Sit-coms" and "dramas", which Compensate them for a Lack of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". As corporate America, sucks the life from their bones.


"No, George Bush isn't trying to bankrupt America, to force us into Slavery to the Uber-class, By debasing the Dollar, and providing an opportunity for the Ruling class to foreclose on any "Real Assets" anyone owns."


"The Black Helicopters, of the Newly arising, Private army(blackwater), of the Christian fundamentalists, are not/have not performed a Coup , and placed a shill in place of representative Government, trying to bring about Armageddon)


*alright time for my medication*

(Hey, I think I've outdone myself this time, this was a great post, interesting fun, Thought provoking, good stuff! Hat Tip to Blogger month or nablopomo)

1 comment:

Zee said...

Hi! I came over from NaBloPoMo. I'm challenging myself to comment on as many blogs as possible this month as well as post.

I found out about the Hanna Montana craze at work a couple weeks ago when a coworker said the tickets for her concert were going for over a thousand dollars a piece. $1000.00 for a twelve year-old concert!! I was speachless. I appreciate your comparison between Ziggy and Hanna.

Great post!

Happy Posting!