Sunday, November 11, 2007


From Newsday:
Norman Mailer, the author whose name was synonymous with literary celebrity in the second half of the 20th century, died Saturday at the age of 84.Mailer died of acute renal failure at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, J. Michael Lennon, the author's literary executor and biographer, said.

It sort of reminded me, that I get an opportunity to write and share my thoughts with the rest of the world, and that I don't take better advantage of it.

Honestly Blogs are tremendous opportunity. I should stop waisting mine talking about my colon, But who am I kidding.


TBS said...

"I should stop waisting mine talking about my colon, But who am I kidding".

That was the quote of the day, my man!

Keep on keepin on!

Eric said...

Of course, I stole that from you and your comment, on your blog. I just put it in my own words... and charm.. or lack there of.

From your blog:
"Yep... no complaints here....
Alas, don't fret. Give me a couple days and I'll be back to my old self..."