Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It's been interesting this month, trying to blog every day. There have been good days and bad days, and I've managed to keep up with my other blogs, and do something to this one. Sure, it's been rough, and some of the posts were better not written.

I was sitting thinking about how I should go to bed, but wanting some decompression.... I should call myself the decompression king.... Better put, "my underwear are so Tight!". I was thinking about how I should talk up the guitar, or smoking crack or something. It occurred to me that I should honestly Bang out some words to this blog......

and where is it going.....

I'm starting to wonder if this Train of thought has run off the tracks.... I keep hoping for a good documentary, I hate commercials....

So... I'm a little unsettled... I'm not a conspiracy person... But I have some new interesting ideas about social control, and different ideologies.....

Through all this intense time looking at the economy, and the forces that act on it... I do start suspecting that there is a war on the middle class by the upper class..... Mind blowing is that with a strong middle class our economy is stronger, and the wealthy get wealthier, no one spends like the lower middle class, as they purchase ATV's, TV's, Cars. Much beyond their means... But they spend every dollar they have.
and to run a business, or finance it... builds more wealth than for businesses that can't sell their goods.

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