Sunday, November 4, 2007


Stupid Commodities,

I'm a huge fan of Documentaries, over the past years there have been tons of documentaries about "Blood Diamonds" and "conflict diamonds". For years I've mentioned what a stupid commodity Gold is. It's has no practical purpose, and it's only value is based on scarcity, and delusions of value. One could justify it as a unit of trade, but it's lack of quantity, makes it a fairly easy commodity to "Corner the market" and then you end up controlling the money supply.
Diamonds, this market has been cornered, and Besides synthetic all diamonds are "Blood Diamonds" or "Conflict diamonds"... People die for this shit, regardless of if your diamond comes from Canada, or Australia, or the U.S. The Manic, desire and pursuit of this commodity (which isn't traded openly) has killed Millions. So when you have that little ring with that little shiny rock on it. I want you to remember, you have a hand in creating this.....

It's the diamond market that causes this, and worse.

Don't buy Diamonds.

and that DiCaprio movie sucked and gave you almost no idea the depravity of the diamond situation.

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